What are Period Blood Rituals? What the New Age is Teaching Women + Girls to do during Menstruation podcast, ex new ageEliza CeciAugust 7, 2024idolatry, ex new age, moonblood ritual, new age ritual, menstrual rite of passageComment
What Can Christians Do About Blasphemy? Prayers and Practices for Reparation to the Sacred Heart of Jesus podcast, catholic convertEliza CeciAugust 2, 2024new believer, new christian, booksComment
The BEST books, apps, and resources you'll want as a Catholic Convert podcast, catholic convertEliza CeciJuly 2, 2024new believer, new christian, booksComment
What is new age channeling? I stopped channeling after THIS happened podcast, ex new ageEliza CeciMay 30, 2024idolatry, ex new age, channelingComment
sin is not oppressive (the new age just thinks it is) podcast, new believerEliza CeciMay 30, 2024ex new age, sin, new believerComment
Praying for Unbelievers in Your Life (& Bible Verses that Help) podcast, prayerEliza CeciMarch 12, 2024lent, relationship with Jesus, books for lent, practices for lent, almsgiving, prayer, bible studyComment
What to Give Up for Lent (that’s Meaningful) lent, podcastEliza CeciFebruary 28, 2024lent, relationship with Jesus, books for lent, practices for lent, almsgiving, prayer, bible studyComment
How to Stay Faithful in Your Wildnerness Season podcastEliza CeciJanuary 30, 2024spiritual disciplines, wilderness season Comments
The Popular New Age Grounding Meditation is Demonic podcast, ex new ageEliza CeciOctober 24, 2023healing, ex new age, demonic, meditationComment
3 Lessons I'm Learning from God (that are helpful for all Believers) podcast, new believerEliza CeciSeptember 6, 2023relationship with Jesus, prayer, servant's heart, conviction, boundaries, dealing with disappointmentComment
the 5 best books for new christians (add these to your library today) podcast, new believerEliza CeciJuly 25, 2023new believer, ex new age, new christian, booksComment
Should Christians use herbs and flower essences? Is it witchcraft or is it healing? podcast, ex new ageEliza CeciJuly 19, 2023healing, ex new age Comments