The Popular New Age Grounding Meditation is Demonic
🚨🚨🚨 I am begging you to STOP this ONE new age meditation. In this episode I’m breaking down WHAT this meditation is, WHY this meditation is demonic, and WHO is teaching it.
You know how the Holy Spirit drops wisdom into our laps before we know we’ll need it? This is what happened to me about 2 months ago. The Holy Spirit started to guide me toward studying scripture, reading books, and watching sermons about the fear of the Lord, Judgement, Heaven, and Hell.
The Bible tells us what happens when those who don’t follow Christ die. It’s something a lot of people don’t want to think about. But thinking about death is important if we want to be eternity-minded. I’d even say it draws us into a closer relationship with the Lord.
We all have people in our life who aren’t believers and we worry about their death. Once you do some research on what Hell is really like we wouldn’t want anyone to go there for 1 minute let alone eternity. As God was putting a grief on my heart about what happens to unbelievers when they die, He showed me through His WORD something unexpected.
the Holy Spirit called out a really popular new age meditation (that i used to practice + teach a lot) as demonic.
The meditation I’m talking about is usually called a grounding meditation or an energy clearing meditation. It’s based on the new age idea that we have energy centers or chakras that get out of balance and we need to regularly clear or ‘re-align’ them.
In some circles this meditation teaches you that your energy is depleted and you need to use a grounding cord that you visualize comes from the base of your spine and draws all the way down into the core of the earth. Once ‘connected’ you draw up energy from the core of the earth and into your body to energize you and give you spiritual insights.
It’s also common for spiritual teachers to tell you that you can drop your grounding cord into the core of the earth at any time to ‘receive love from mother earth’. Other times you will be guided by the facilitator to call on specific goddesses, dragons, or earth entities for extra ‘help’ in your life or psychic insight.
Before we look at WHY it’s demonic let’s look at 3 new age red flags to look out for.
new age spiritual red flag #1 it starts out feeling good, but it’s actually an unhealthy relationship (you + the new age)
You might be thinking, ‘I’ve done hundreds of meditations before and nothing bad happened to me’ or ‘I tried that once at the end of a yoga class’ or ‘seriously, I’ve done a lot worse’. Hear me out about why the Holy Spirit convicted me the share more about this with you.
The whole entire basis of new age is that it seems nice, cute, peaceful, and different than things you’ve tried before - at first. But once you’re in, you’re hooked into a system of more, better, faster. Just one more meditation, just one more class or certification to grow you spiritually, just one more energetic clearing, shamanic journey, or reiki session.
It sadly becomes an obsession to FIX yourself. In this paradigm you.are.never.enough. This is not God’s paradigm, it’s the devil’s.
new age spiritual red flag #2 when you ask questions your teachers get mad or talk you in circles
Listen, if you ask your new age practitioner or teacher where a certain practice comes from you’ll get a few responses.
1. They’ll tell you about a time when they woke up in the middle of the night and channeled it all. It was super spiritual.
2. They get really, I mean, really mad that you had the audacity to question their sacred practices. But you still don’t walk away with a clear answer.
or, 3. They don’t have a direct answer and will tell you you’ll learn that later in their super exclusive $10k per month mystery school they had a dream that they knew you are meant to be in.
I’m not making fun of these responses. I’ve been on the receiving end of each one of them at some point when I was in the new age. I share them because it’s heartbreaking to be in a position when you want help and healing and answers SO badly that you do consider bypassing what doesn’t feel right.
new age spiritual red flag #3 you feel like you should give the new age the benefit of the doubt and a little more time to ‘work’
I like to think the best about people. I don’t want to assume that the teachers and practitioners in the new age are consciously trying to harm people. I don’t believe the majority of them are. Not at all. I’m guessing that many of them are demonically oppressed and the evil one has veiled their eyes to the truth in a way that also very much makes them a victim to what they believe.
They are trapped while teaching others how to become trapped.
Jeremiah 17:9 is a good reminder for us: the heart is more deceitful than anything else. We can’t trust our heart. Until you have the Holy Spirit living inside of you, you’ll live for your own desires and wants and it’ll be much easier to slip inside the trap of the romanticized promises of the new age.
So even though a new age teacher might have all the bells and whistles of the kind of person you’re drawn to, they might love bomb you, you might even look up to them, or be inspired by the kind of work they are doing - it’s important to bring yourself back to the Truth. ALL new age practices are not created by God but meant to push you farther from Him.
Building a case that your grounding meditation to the core of the earth is demonic
First, let’s look at Philippians 2:5-11. We’re going to look at verse 10 especially close.
“Adopt the same attitude as that of Christ Jesus, who, existing in the form of God, did not consider equality with God as something to be exploited. Instead he emptied himself by assuming the form of a servant, taking on the likeness of humanity, and when he had come as a man, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death - even to death on a cross. For this reason God highly exalted him and gave him the name that is above every name, so that at the name of Jesus every knee will bow - in heaven and on earth and under the earth - and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.”
In verse 10 it says at the name of Jesus every knee will bow - in heaven and on earth and under the earth. Interpretation can differ but one interpretation is that this under the earth language is referring to Hell (or sheol or hades) which is said to be in the depths of the core of the earth (where the hottest heat is).
There are many references of the depths of the earth. Here are some if you’d like to explore more: Psalm 63:9, Psalm 139:15, Isaiah 44:23, Ezekiel 31:14, 16, 18, and 32:18, 24. The english words used may vary slightly but according to this article the Hebrew word is the same.
If under the earth in the Word of God is referring to hell, why would new agers teach you to meditate there?
new age vs biblical symbolism of dragons
In my experience in the specific new age circles I was a part of dragons have a strong symbolism and they have a presence in many of the rituals and practices that are being taught. I was taught that every person had their own dragon guide that protected them and that you could call on (kind of like how new agers call on ascended masters or angels). You could meditate with your dragon or call on your dragon for help and healing depending on what your dragon was ‘gifted’ in.
There was a story about how mother dragons seeded the earth and their fire created the energetic ley lines of the earth. And that the dragons went into hiding for self protection from humans. If you’re into crystals I’m sure you’ve heard about septarian stone and also the resin, dragon’s blood both of these being connected to dragons too.
I trusted all of this. I don’t know what goofy juice I was drinking but I really believed all of it and I went full-in on this as truth. Because why not. I trusted and valued the spiritual gifts of my teachers so much.
It wasn’t until I read Revelation that I realized woah, wait a minute. wait.a.minute…
The red dragon in Revelation 12 is Satan. If the great red dragon is Satan then all the other dragons new agers call on are satan’s helpers (the 1/3 of the angels cast out of heaven, aka the demons).
If dragons live at the core of the earth to ‘protect it’. Things are starting to feel even more sus.
Again, in these circles there isn’t any outward thought or conversation about this. But it’s every person - you and me - ‘s responsibility to critically think before we keep causing more harm to ourselves and others by following along.
lastly, consider the testimonies of people who’ve had nde’s and visited hell.
This might feel like a long and winding journey for me to just tell you these meditations to the core of the earth are horrendous and to just stop it. ;) You’ll get that joke if you’ve ever watched this.
Once I realized these meditations, which on the outside, look helpful, useful and practical in some ways - (marketed to help you build strong boundaries and let go of daily stress ‘stuck in the body’ for example) they are really deceptive ways to get you hooked into more and more practices that take you further and further from the joy and peace you can only find through Christ.
If you’re still not convinced I want to give you some YouTube homework. Below are the two videos that were such eye openers for me. I love that the Holy Spirit literally leads me to videos to help me with questions I’m having to understand the heart of God more clearly. And the Holy Spirit will do that for you too! The Holy Spirit lives inside every believer and will walk, gently correct, love, and sanctify you every day of your life as a believer.
These two videos HERE and HERE show the testimonies of people who have died, gone to hell, and come back to life to share what their experiences were like. None of these people know each other but there’s a huge piece of their stories that’s all similar. When they died and went to hell they all described falling downward fast and landing in and being trapped in the core of the earth where it was extremely HOT.
Jesus described Hell in a multitude of ways. He mentions fire in relation to Hell about 20 times. He mentions its a place where the fire never goes out and that people who go there are trapped for eternity.
It makes me wonder, are the dragons in the meditations meeting us at the core of the earth because they are trapped there? Probs. But I digress. ;)
in conclusion, let’s pray for anyone who reads this blog post. That your heart might soften to the wisdom the lord has for you.
All of these things (and so much more) are what Jesus Christ saved me from after 10+ years in the new age. The Holy Spirit is constantly opening my eyes to the ways I was graciously given new life.
If you’ve read this far, I’m praying that God is planting a seed of hope and new life inside of you. May you be encouraged as you grow stronger in the Truth that God wants you as a part of his family. That you are His precious daughter or beloved son. I pray that you seek Jesus’ face and are guided one step at a time to true freedom and out of any bondage of the new age.
In Jesus’ Might Name,
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additional resources + links
Also mentioned in this episode: John Bevere’s book Driven by Eternity and the YouTube teaching playlist that goes along with the book is highly recommended, I learned a lot.
Spotify ‘boppers’ worship playlist
Spotify ‘new morning’ worship playlist
You Version Bible App
Amazon Store