What are Period Blood Rituals? What the New Age is Teaching Women + Girls to do during Menstruation
What's going on with the new age and teaching women and girls to worship their period blood (also called moonblood)? Is it safe? Does God like it? Should you stop?
In this episode we're looking at a new age practice that's getting really popular. It can look like giving your period blood to house plants or back to the earth (as a spiritual practice or as fertilizer). And it can grow into putting the blood on your face as a facial!
I get that this might be a very niche topic. It might even feel weird or creepy or awkwardly funny?? I hope you've never even heard about this practice BUT if you've been taught this and practiced it, like I did, I want to talk about it.
In this episode...
why is it called ‘moontime’ and ‘moonblood’? and an explanation of the period blood ritual (or practice) that's being taught to new agers
where did this practice originate? who are the people who are most likely to be attracted to it + why
I share my experience participating in this practice for 2 years + what I learned once I stopped (I hope this encourages you)
the red flags to look out for when choosing practices and teachers
and, a 3 part discernment practice to decide if what you're doing is ok and honoring to God
Nothing in the new age is as it seems
As we’ve talked about a lot by now, if something is being taught in the new age it’s either made up in a way that manipulates you to trust it (tapping into unmet needs, traumas, fears, or desires) OR it’s appropriated from other lineages, cultures, or belief systems. There’s usually some level of real truth to get you to feel like it’s a good practice to explore. OR, it tempts you to completely turn your back on something because this ‘new way’ feels fun while the traditional practices (like believing in God, going to Church, and reading the Bible) feel outdated.
The basis of teaching that I experienced with moonblood / period blood rituals came from a Hopi prophecy that says this: ‘When the women give their blood back to the earth, men will come home from war and earth shall find peace.’
The idea is that when women start to give their period blood back to the earth as a spiritual practice that those living on earth will shift toward harmony, peace, and love. This is a beautiful sentiment. A beautiful idea. And it’s reminiscent of something, isn’t it? The promise of Heaven, maybe?
We’re divinely designed by God to desire (and live for) the promise of heaven. But the way the new age uses this prophecy is self serving and manipulative.
moonblood rituals and period blood facials?
The way I was taught the ritual of giving your moonblood to the earth came with a warning. Which should have been my first and final red flag. I was told to never give your blood to the earth in a place that you don’t want to be tied to. Yes, like a rope or a cord that keeps you tethered in place.
If this practice is as innocent as giving an offering of your love from your body to the earth, that would be one thing. And there would be no stipulations. Practices to honor God don’t come with warnings.
Blood represents death. It represents what’s finished and complete. In the Bible, God doesn’t like idolatry, death rituals, or eating blood. God’s commands are meant to keep us safe and protect us. They are meant to keep us from harm and away from entities and darkness. And ‘playing with’ menstrual blood like this only brings us closer toward darkness and heaviness. Some say it attaches us to things we don’t even know who or what they are! That feels like too much of a risk to me.
my experience with moonblood practices
I did this practice consistently for ~2 years and dabbled here and there a little longer. In that time I felt anxious, depressed, lonely, exhausted, burdened and ‘heavy’ in my spirit. I struggled to find happiness, peace and purpose, and I thought if I did what my teachers told me to do that things would shift. Because it seemed to really be working for them.
But, there was always resistance in my heart. When I was saved, things fell away that I was previously really interested in or practiced often. Reflecting back, the new age practices always felt like a chore, uninviting, and the opposite of life-giving. Have you felt that too?
evaluate, research, and ask questions
My encouragement to you is to think critically, to ask questions, and if you can’t get a straight answer, maybe that is answer enough. We should be able to trace the history of a practice that’s deemed important whether in the new age or in Christianity or anywhere else.
If a practice is good for us, there will be ample testimonies, stories, and experiences from others to fill you up with confidence in their goodness. If not, we need to really evaluate - why am I doing this? Did this ever work for me? Does it work for me now? How do I feel before/during/after this practice? Who can I talk to about how I’m feeling? What is God revealing to me about this practice?
Ask your questions! Ask and ask and ask. Get comfortable asking. And teachers who get triggered by your curiosity or honest inquiry are a red flag. We should always be able to talk about what and why we believe what we do and if not search out the resources that will help find those answers.
3-step discernment practice
If you’re in a place where you aren’t sure if you should do a practice or you’re unclear if God wants you to keep doing a certain thing, use these as your framework.
1. Pray and ask God. We have direct access to God. Ask him, talk to him, tell him what you’re wrestling with. Make sure you make time to listen to what God or Jesus speaks back to you.
2. What does the Bible say about your situation? Go to the Word or ask a friend to guide you to a book in the Bible to read and study for your particular struggle.
3. Listen to the Holy Spirit’s conviction and be obedient. 80% of the time the Holy Spirit will come in clear as a bell about something I shouldn’t be doing anymore. When we hear the answer, the next step is to do what you’re told to do (or not do). Being obedient to the love of God is so important.
Focus on strengthening yourself in the fruit of the spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. Bring these more into your life and allow God to show you what needs to leave your life. It’s a beautiful surrender when you do.
Nothing holds a candle to the way God feels when He’s in your life and guiding you. And what the Holy Spirit convicts you to do or to stop doing (in my experience) has felt easy and freeing. The feeling I was searching for all along in the new age.
I hope that you find The Truth, not ‘your truth’ that the new age is hoping you’re still buying into.
I love you,