What is new age channeling? I stopped channeling after THIS happened
We must obey God, rather than human beings.
Acts 5:29
I know there’s a lot of questions from ex new agers about some of the practices that were common for you and if you should still do them, or, more importantly, if they are godly. Today I’m sharing my experiences channeling when I was a new ager, my struggles of whether it was ‘good’ even after I was saved, and the experience I had that felt so crazy to me that I never channeled again.
I hope that what I share helps you if you’re feeling challenged to let go of a practice, a belief, a habit, or a way of living in your life that you don’t feel ready to. I’ve found that there were practices I did often, sometimes everyday, that were obvious to let go of when I was first saved and then others the Lord showed me in time to let go of. Pray for discernment whenever you have questions about what you should or shouldn’t be doing as a believer.
What you’ll learn:
what is channeling? and what my experiences with new age channeling were
the story of my last channeling experience and why it was even more meaningful after I read Acts 5 👀
from a Biblical perspective, why it’s wrong for Christians to channel
exploring the idea that God is protecting us, He is not limiting us
plus, my favorite places in the Bible to study idolatry
scripture to reference idolatry
Acts 5:1-11
Jeremiah 10, 14:14, 15:21, 17:7-8, 27:9
Leviticus 19:26-31,
Daniel 2:27
context is important, what’s happening in acts 5
I realized after I’d edited the episode that it might help those who haven’t read the Bible or haven’t read Acts to give more context about why channeling Sapphira was such an epiphany for me about channeling.
Acts comes right after the Gospels in the New Testament (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John - then comes Acts). And everything that happens in Acts is happening directly after Jesus’ death and resurrection. So there’s a lot of intense movement and emotion from the disciples (now apostles) of Jesus. They are spreading out, doing incredible healing and miracles, building the Church, and sharing their faith.
It’s helpful to review Acts 4:32-35 to understand more.
“All the believers were one in heart and mind. No one claimed that any of their possessions was their own, but they shared everything they had. With great power the apostles continued to testify to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus. And God’s grace was so powerfully at work in them all that there were no needy persons among them. For from time to time those who owned land or houses sold them, brought the money from the sales and put it at the apostles’ feet, and it was distributed to anyone who had need.”
So when Ananias and Sapphira told Peter and lied to the Holy Spirit about their offering, this was why it was such a big betrayal. To lie directly to God! And to be struck down dead on the spot!
So when I read this about Sapphira in the Bible after I’d already had the ick about channeling one more time and then having this experience - this is what solidified for me that this was the last time I’d ever channel.
A discernment process to filter your practices
God was already convicting my heart of practices, beliefs, and ideas I did without a second thought in new age that are now a ‘hard pass’. I’m not a yes/no person usually, I enjoy nuance. But coming out of the new age I knew I needed to question everything I was doing heavily.
Here is the process I filter my practices and questions through before deciding if I’ll keep doing it long term.
01 Does God’s Word tell me it’s a yes or a no? That’s my first guideline. What does the Bible say about this? Ask the Holy Spirit to direct you to the passages or a book of the Bible to study about the practice in question.
02 Who can I ask that’s further / more mature in their Christian walk than me? Think: Pastor, Mentor, Spiritual Director, Elder, a Christian friend who you trust that’s strong in their faith, etc. Getting someone else’s opinion and direction on this can help so much.
03 Keep the conversation honest with God in prayer. God wants you to be in constant communication with Him. Ask Jesus for support in the answer you’re seeking, especially if there feels like there’s a sense of grief and loss around it. Be open to the Holy Spirit speaking to you through articles, books, and unexpected conversations that match your question. This happens to me all of the time!
God made it so clear to me that channeling was not a practice Christians should participate in. It’s playing in darkness shrouded in fake light. I really, really saw it for what it is (thanks to God).
suggested scripture reading for idolatry
The entire book of Jeremiah is a favorite of mine. It’s incredibly helpful to see a full picture of who God is, his love for his people, and the depths he goes to to save us from our sin.
Daniel is also a wonderful book to read. Encouraging. And helps you to see how God uses his people for his good. God always has a plan.
Romans is also great to study. I love this book of the Bible when you’re settling deeper into your faith. Read it over and over. Read it in multiple translations. If you get stuck, read it in The Message translation to help you understand in today’s language (if you need that). Otherwise, the translation you’ll read is the best translation for you.
I love you,